I was very confused for a moment as this is how my Lemmy looks - I’m using the Photon interface (e.g. https://photon.lemmy.world/) Pretty much identical.
You can still access the old new reddit by going to new.reddit.com, ironically enough, or old reddit through old.reddit.com
It just looks like a new version of Facebook
I think that was the goal.
Very unpopular opinion:
Old ui sucks. You can’t see shit on phone nor on desktop. It’s just wall of text.
I don’t like how it looks either. Way too busy. Only thing is, it is lightweight though. New reddit usually crawls to a halt after half an hour of scrolling (which is probably good for my mental health).
Old reddit absolutely had its issues. The new and newnew design is just decisively worse however.
I hate how Reddit conditioned my brain to see score before the actual content and make up my mind about it before even reading it.
I don’t say scores aren’t important to have some kind of loose groupthink quality control but it all has as many cons as it has pros and there isn’t really a perfect solution just least bad.
Also it is the main thing making social media so addicting when you receive points and I want internet to serve me and not I serve the internet.
If a phone/site/program makes everything possible to be as addictive then it actually makes you a slave to it imo instead of it being a useful tool enriching your experience and serving to maybe get more useful information or open to new ideas