It is crucial that all the defenders of peace and humanity around the world unite and mobilize in the streets, squares, everywhere, in every country, all those who are dedicated to a consciousness of international solidarity. All of us who are human and therefore sympathize with the humanitarian tragedy suffered by more than two and a half million people trapped in Gaza, with no way of defending themselves, exposed in the open to the unbridled and bestial bombardment of the Zionists, supported by the [neo]imperialist U.S. government, which is sending heavy weapons and soldiers to join the invading army.

We demand an end to the blockade of the Gaza Strip and the immediate establishment of a ceasefire. It is imperative that we demonstrate that the international community will not allow or stand by the crimes against humanity being committed […] against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Breaking out of immobility and developing actions and initiatives for peace must be the objectives to be pursued immediately.