I guess I’m just lucky, but I’ve gotten nothing but thoughtful support on Arch forums and Stackoverflow. If you read the article How do I ask a good question?, it works very well. It seems harsh but coming with poorly thought out questions without debugging details makes it impossible to help.
People still visit csamchan?
Just read the duplicate
Honestly, I have never found anything but a majority of support and kindness when asking questions online.
Some of the “duplicate” questions that I have seen on Stack Overflow are phrased entirely different than the supposedly “original” one. It’s like they expect me to brute-force their entire fucking search index before publishing a new question. I don’t have that much patience or time.
Stackoverflow gets quickly steamrolled by AI.
We’re not 100% there yet, but the writing on the wall is there. Just my opinion, of course.
Just use jQuery
Don’t ask a question. Make the title “Hey look at this cool way to do X” and do it wrong, and hope someone corrects you.
Googling the question. top links is always, always the question being answered by : google it.