• @PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
    14 months ago

    What a garbage article. Elon sucks, the cyber truck sucks, but an article about tweets is less than worthless. Perhaps the article instead of assuming elon just “didn’t have time to run tesla properly”, should dig a bit deeper and demonstrate that tesla was successful despite elon, not because of elon. Same with Space-X or Star-link.

    Now as far as why the cyber truck is getting stuck in snow, tires is the low-effort answer, but maybe look at the weight of the truck versus the contact area. Maybe look at how the traction control system works? How about whether the car is front wheel bias vs rear-wheel biased. Does it make assumptions about which wheels have contact to the ground? Does it have a differential or are all 4 wheels independently controlled? (I don’t know the answer to any of these by the way, but if I were concerned about a vehicle getting stuck in the snow, I’d certainly want an analysis that addresses all of the above.)

    • @slaacaa@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Welcome to modern “journalism”, throwing together a few sentences based on twitter and reddit posts, without any research or asking experts.

  • @oxjox@lemmy.ml
    04 months ago

    I’m curious if this is a “Cyber Truck” issue or an electric vehicle / drive train issue. I mean, do the electric motors in these vehicles have “gears”?

  • BiggestBulb
    04 months ago

    I remember MKBHD made a comment about the snow possibly being an issue opening the doors as well. Hoping these things were actually tested in super cold conditions

  • @helenslunch@feddit.nl
    04 months ago

    Snow is 90% about tires. Proper snow tires make a dramatic difference. I’m sure any other truck would get stuck in the same place. They have MUCH poorer weight distribution.

  • @HowMany@lemmy.ml
    04 months ago

    Remember how well the Delorian didn’t do? Mush has one that’s going to do 1,000 times worse. Way to go boy genius.