Canada is below the required immunity threshold to sustain elimination. How did we get here?
Idiots like my sister.
She once sternly advised me “I won’t have any chemicals in my home”
Wait until she hears about dihydrogen monoxide…
I asked her how she felt about nitrogen on her lawn
She exploded. I WON’T ALLOW IT!
I said what do you think most of the breathable atmosphere is made of and what do you think comes down with rain that makes your grass grow?
You know how well that went.
I often wonder what can be done to help these people escape the cycle of ignorance, but so far I have no clue.
Well SOME of us are prepared, since we had parents who actually cared about our lives rather than virtue-signalling to their Facebook groups.
That’s not how herd immunity works, once the population reaches a certain threshold it all goes to the toilet because not everybody can sustain the same immunity over long periods of time.
Herd immunity makes it hard for the virus to jump from person to person because the statistics dictate how likely it is for transmission to occur.
When a large amount of people are immunized it is less likely for it to jump from a newly vaccinated child to an adult that got vaccinated years ago because of the buffers that might exist in between those people.
When a less than useful amount of people are vaccinated it is more likely that it will just jump to all of the adults with weaker immunity.
So even if you’re immunized, sometimes that immunity goes away quickly as it did with the COVID vaccine.
Humanity is reaping what they sowed.
Humanity is reaping what a handful of idiots sowed
We need life imprisonment for those who can be vaccinated, but refuse
I am, I don’t leave my house.
Well, I’m fully prepared. And I’m also prepared to watch Darwinism in action.