Who knew that by being lazy with yard work, I was doing the right thing all along. I do see fireflies out back during the summer. I thought it was just that we live fairly close to the edge of town.
Nature is best cared for by leaving it the fuck alone.
Around here they made a comeback in 2020 and 2021 during the pandemic. The reason why was they stopped spraying the forests for pine beetles. It was noticeable and now its back to nearly nothing. Its poisen. Nothing more, nothing less. The fireflies die so some undeserving investor gets more money.
I’m doing my part. Haven’t raked leaves in at least 20 years.
Same for ladybird beetles (ladybugs)! They love undisturbed autumn leaves and are natural pest control, so you should give them any opportunity possible to over-winter their eggs in your yard :)
Grub killers like Grub-x kill firefly larva as collateral damage. The thing is firefly grubs eat other grubs so if you made your area nicer to fireflies you wouldn’t need the grub killer.
I thought only the males lit up? Not judging, but egg laying might pose a problem.
Now let’s talk about the Kentucky bluegrass lawns the leaves fall on…