NEW YORK, Jan 24 (Reuters) - The Palestinian militant group Hamas has recruited between 10,000 and 15,000 members since the start of its war with Israel, according to two congressional sources briefed on U.S. intelligence, suggesting the Iran-backed fighters could remain a persistent threat to Israel.
The intelligence indicates a similar number of Hamas fighters have been killed during that period, the sources said. The latest official U.S. estimates have not been previously reported.’
according to two congressional sources briefed on U.S. intelligence
When Putin, Xi, or any of their spokespeople say things, the western media industrial complex always ends the sentence with the words “without providing any evidence.” They never do that with anonymous US sources.
Just saying
Yeah those anonymous sources doing some heavy lifting…
Hamas was formed in the 1980s as a response to decades of occupation and apartheid. The root cause hasn’t been addressed, and the Palestinians will continue their struggle for freedom.
a similar number of Hamas fighters have been killed during that period, the sources said
Now call me conspiratorial if you want, but I think this messaging is actually a sneaky lie to explain why they’ve killed a quarter million civilians and somewhere around zero combatants.