At work we have a scale sensitive to the 1/10,000 of a gram. 4 decimal digits. It’s so sensitive it needs to be encased in a box so tiny connection currents don’t make it go frantic! Even in the box the number changes a lot. 15 0s is nutty.
Mine can tell if I’m sitting next to it’s desk or not. I’ve come to the conclusion it’s the deformation of the ground the desk is sitting on.
It’s really a silly amount of precision for what I use it for. But It’s so fun to lock g on .0000, even if only for a few seconds. Anyone who has a target of a specific amount of 0s can do it themselves. After the first 2 shits pretty random.
Why stop at 1 billion?.. Let’s go for a trillion, just because we can.
Memory Masters destroying the last of their childhood memories so they can add another 80,000 digits of pi to their mind palace.
Memory Mastery is a technique where you force your brain to remember random information by formatting it in a certain way, some people have gone on to use this trick to memorize millions of digits of pi. A study recently came out confirming that every time you make a new memory it destroys an old one, so every time someone makes a “memory palace” it comes at the cost of older memories, such as in childhood.
Dope. I just memorized it to 50 digits. Good to know for my intents and purposes it doesn’t matter at all anyway.
Hey, cheer up, it doesn’t matter for anyone’s intents and purposes.
Even cooler, at 75 digits you can calculate the circumference of your mom