• @snaggen@programming.dev
    02 months ago

    But is the desktop really the most relevant measurement? Wouldn’t it be more relevant to talk about “primary” devices? When I grew up, the desktop was what people used to connect with Internet and everything that comes with that. Hence, Linux on the desktop seemed to be relevant. Now, that is still relevant in relation to work and gaming, but for general use people use other devices. So instead of “on the desktop” I think we should talk about “for work”, “for gaming” and “for programming”.

    • @JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
      02 months ago


      As usual, the geeks in this forum are completely out of touch with reality. I say that as a Linux user of decades.

      Desktop stats matter less than ever because ordinary people do not buy desktop computers any more and will do so even less in the future.