I’m looking for interesting tools to automate managing packaging and configuring everything automated.

And yeah I know about NixOS but I like to distro hop and experiment so I for now know these:

  • Ansible - automating many machines, using different package names as vars and package managers.
  • Bash - the most native and compatible scripting language that can be.
  • Chezmoi - for dotfiles.

For now that’s it. I’m looking forward for your suggestions!

  • chrash0@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    i’ve used Chezmoi for years now pretty successfully. works on my Mac and Linux machines. it probably could be made to work on Windows. i am transitioning to NixOS, but i’ll probably keep using it anyway, since i still have Macs for work (and because they’re great laptops don’t @ me). the only real downside is that it only works for the home folder, so i have to manually control stuff for /etc, but i generally prefer user configuration for most tools anyway.

    i had messed around with Ansible for this in the past, but i didn’t really like it for this use case. it’s been a while tho so it’s hard to say why.

    not to pile on, but you might also look at GNU Stow. i decided against it, but it’s there.

    obligatory i s’pose: https://github.com/covercash2/dotfiles

    • Psyhackological@lemmy.mlOP
      7 months ago

      Yeah I see everyone saying chezmoi is great.

      Ansible seems fine but also complicate many thing not doing something in bash.

      GNU Stow seems even more complication than Ansible.

      Bash seems the most simplest one.