• @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    07 months ago

    I wouldn’t say it’s leftist, though there’s a lot of leftists here. Lemmy is more like how internet discussion boards used to be. There’s a lot of people with weird opinions on things, and there’s no Reddit Karma pushing people to conform to the consensus. So people are going to have weird takes on things, and there’s not 1000 comments upvoted above the weird ones, so you’re going to see comments like that. So reply to with you your weird opinions on those weird comments.

    Welcome to the version internet that’s not pre-packaged and filtered to be bland!

    • @redcalcium@lemmy.institute
      07 months ago

      I don’t mind weird and different opinions on things. In fact, that’s what make the discussion interesting instead of some boring echo chambers. I just wish people wouldn’t be so aggressive about it and hurling personal attacks left and right. The old discussion board had thing called netiquete to keep the discussion civil, but here in certain communities it’s like the wild west.

      • @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
        07 months ago

        Yeah… but that’s what the internet is. You’re connected to different people with different points of view, but you’re also connected to assholes. Just don’t take it personally, they don’t know you and you don’t know them.

        • @KeenFlame@feddit.nu
          07 months ago

          Right? You can connect to assholes of that’s your thing, and I can connect to warm clams. No judging